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Mr. Lau, the Executive Director of L&K Group Holdings Company Limited, was invited to attend the Annual Global Economic and Property Market Analysis seminar. As the only immigration and overseas property expert that day, he provided all those attending with the latest trends and analysis in addition to answering all related participant questions on spot.

~L&K Group Executive Director
- Kelvin Kam (Left)
~L&K Group Executive Director
- Henry Lau (Middle)
~L&K Group Executive Director
- Priscilla Cho(Right)
~L&K Group Executive Director
- Kelvin Kam (Right)

- L&K Group Executive Director - Henry Lau (Left)
- Former President of the Legislative Council
-Mr Jasper Tsang (Right)
-L&K Group Executive Director - Kelvin Kam (Left)
-Financial Secretary of the Hong Kong Special
Administrative Region
-Mr John Tsang (Right)

-L&K Group Executive Director - Kelvin Kam (Left)
- Minister of Ontario Prov. Canada (Canada Ontario Prov.
Citizenship ﹑ Immigration and international trade)
- Mr Michael Chan (Right)

-L&K Group Executive Director - Kelvin Kam (Right)
- Ontario Prov. vice Governor of Canada and
Chairman of the Treasury Committee Deb
- Lord Matthews(Left)

-L&K Group Executive Director- Henry Lau (Right) and Kelvin Kam (Middle)
-Significant Investment Migration Manager
(State Government of Victoria) - Miss Linh Pham(Left)

-L&K Group Executive Director - Priscilla Cho (Middle)
-L&K Group Executive Director - Kelvin Kam (Right)

-L&K Group Executive Director- Kelvin Kam (Right)
- Canadian congressman- Mr Joe
- L&K Group Executive Director - Henry Lau (Right)
-The latest stock commentator & Managing director of
Asset Management in China Yinsheng Finance
(Holding) Limited - Matthew Kwok(Left)
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